Turkish Abbreviation |
English Full Name |
( ) |
(indicative and subjunctive forms are given in parentheses after the headword) |
1. hal |
Nominative Case |
2. hal |
Oblique Case |
arka edat |
Postposition |
bğl. |
Conjunction |
blrsz. zmr. |
Indefinite Pronoun |
çğl. |
Plural |
çğl. iş. zmr. |
Plural Demonstrative Pronoun |
d. tkl. iş. zmr. |
Feminine Singular Demonstrative Pronoun |
dnşm. zmr. |
Reflexive Pronoun |
e. tkl. iş. zmr. |
Masculine Singular Demonstrative Pronoun |
edat |
Particle |
Eşanl. |
Synonym |
fiil, öz. is |
Verb, Proper Noun |
gçmş. zmn. |
Past tense |
gçşl. fiil |
Transitive Verb |
gçşl. fiil, geçsz. fiil |
Transitive Verb, Intransitive Verb |
gçsz. fiil |
Intransitive Verb |
gçsz. fiil (nesneli) |
Intransitive Verb (objective) |
is. d. |
Feminine Noun |
is. d./e. |
Masculine/Feminine Noun |
is. e. |
Masculine noun |
iz. |
Izafe |
Koşaç |
Copula |
ön edat |
Preposition |
ort. |
Participle |
öz. is. e. |
Masculine Proper Noun |
s. |
Adjective |
s., is. e. |
Adjective, Masculine Noun |
s., zf. |
Adjective, Adverb |
sayı |
Numeral |
sayı zarfı |
Numeral Adjective |
sesl |
Vocative case |
soru zmr. |
Interrogative Pronoun |
soru zmr., zf. |
Interrogative Pronoun, Adverb |
tmlm. |
Prepositional Phrase |
ünl. |
Exclamation |
ünl. çğl. |
Singular Exclamation |
ünl. d. |
Feminine Exclamation |
ünl. e. |
Masculine Exclamation |
Var. |
Pronunciation and Dialect Variants |
zf. |
Adverb |
zf., is. e. |
Adverb, Masculine Noun |
zmr. |
Pronoun |
zmr. 1. çğl. |
1 Person Plural Pronoun |
zmr. 1. tkl. |
1 Person Singular Pronoun |
zmr. 2. çğl. |
2 Person Plural Pronoun |
zmr. 2. tkl. |
2 Person Singular Pronoun |
zmr. 3. çğl. |
3 Person Plural Pronoun |
zmr. 3. d. tkl. |
3 Person Feminine Singular Pronoun |
zmr. 3. e. tkl. |
3 Person Masculine Singular Pronoun |
zmr. 3. tkl. |
3 Person Singular Pronoun |