gaenq东西thing名n这个词可以作为某些形容词或动词的前缀来制作一个抽象名词。This word can be prefixed to certain adjectives or verbs to make an abstract noun.pers propers pro这个词作为与人称代词结合的类型介词起到语法作用。 它不会改变单词的语法角色,但通常比裸代词更可取。This word serves a grammatical role as a type preposition that combines with personal pronouns. It does not change the grammatical role of the word, but is usually preferable to the bare pronoun. 侬话中北次土语(广南县旧莫乡)Northcentral Nongz (Jiumo District, Guangnan County) Dialectgaeq2侬话东北次土语Northeastern Nong Dialectgaiq3A-B-A-C 重复A-B-A-C Reduplication Pattern Phrasegaenqndae-gaenqyawzgaenq aeu hoaknyaeuxgaenq hoaknyaeuxgaenq hojgaenq mboq baenz am goj amgaenq ndaegaenq zwzpujjeq zauh naehgaenqbiangzgaenqgauqgaenqhomgaenqloanggaenqnaehgaenqndaemgaenqndoaggaenqsaemjgaenqvangaenqyumqgaenqzajgaeqrawzkən¹¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County